This Halloween, advises you to carefully examine everything you are given to make sure you can separate trick from treat, especially if what you are hoping to bag is news regarding EEStor Inc.Those predicting EEStor tricks were quick to devour's recent report that there would be no EESU's delivered in 2008. Many other blogs and even the New York Times (for God's sake)
Halfway through my hour long Sept 29, 2008 interview of Carl Watkins, President of LightEVs, a phone he's set up to screen calls rings in the background. I joke that it's Dick Weir calling to get Watkins to stop talking to me. Watkins finds that amusing and wonders aloud if some of what he's already shared with me is permissible under his NDA with EEStor. I tell him not to worry about that just
Back in the late 1930s, when it became apparent that Nazi Germany was approaching the completion of a nuclear weapon, a US project involving over 130,000 people and the equivalent of $24Bil of today's dollars was carried out to develop nuclear weapons. Distributed at sites around the USA (and world), pockets of several thousand people would come to worksites knowing only enough to get their own
For historical purposes, it's important to note that the secrecy surrounding EEStor's activities has largely been attributed to EEStor. This probably makes persons familiar with how Kleiner Perkins manages it's investments chuckle somewhat. Maybe there are several sources for this information but I've been reading David A. Kaplan's book "The Silicon Boys and Their Valley of Dreams" to understand
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-2413087-18"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); In April 2008, John Doerr gave a keynote speech at MIT, the
Note: I'm going to postpone the posting of the interview with Carl Watkins of LightEVS for the time being. Instead, I'm going to put in front of it some very interesting information I've learned from speaking with some of the entities who were approached by LIghtEVS at Interbike regarding the EEStor technology that was just announced.First, I have been in contact with some of the exhibitors at