Lockheed Stakes It's Claim on Power Management with New Website

Is EEStor partner, Lockheed Martin on the verge of lowering it's stealth with regard to it's possible use of EEStor technology? It's a fair question to consider after surveying a new webpage Lockheed has released which outlines it's Power Management capabilities. It contains additional photos and a new video which outline Lockheed's strategy in this space.

The video introduces the "

Steps Lockheed Martin May be Taking to Dominate the Department of Defense Portable Energy Requirements

Bret "BretSpot" DeCelle, author of the EEStor Timeline, wrote an interesting article on the military battery marketplace and Lockheed's positioning in relation to it. This seems to represent the most comprehensive research related to one of Lockheed's possible use of EEStor technology. Bret's provided a large number of links to keep EEStor addicts clicking for days. Thanks Bret!

Lockheed Martin with Wave Energy

EEStor partner Lockheed Martin announced it would work with Ocean Power Technologies on a project to generate energy from wave power. Here's an associated press article on the subject. No word on where or how that energy will be stored. But you might start to ask yourself an interesting question, "If a company such as Lockheed were convinced that EEStor's technology will work, how might it

What I Do: The Planet Green Article

I hate to admit that occasionally I watch TV. I do this only because I recently bought a couple large HDTVs. The only thing I watch & the only thing I set my DVR to record is Planet Green. ...and Classic Arts Showcase. This is not because a good German friend of mine works at the Discovery Channel.I'm not really a greenie weenie per se. I could become one but for now, my interest in EEStor

EEStory Dream Sequence

It's a given that if you're reading this you daydream all day about EEStor becoming a reality, ie, producing the big unveiling, etc. But when you back away from the computer and fall asleep, does EEStor make it's way into your dreams at night?What's the matter, no so ready to confess about your EEStor obsession? Thankfully, some of our readers are willing to share their dreams with us. For

Ian Clifford on BNN ...with Edmunds.com's Kevin Smith

Ian Clifford from a couple days ago on BNN. No net new news.  It's amazing how much coverage Clifford and team are able to garner for Zenn Motor Company. At the end of the segment, let the video continue and have a listen to Kevin Smith, editorial director of Edmunds.com. He was asked what he thought about Ford/Magna and lithium ion versus Zenn Motor/EEstor. My read on his response is that he's

Another Lockheed Martin EEStor Patent...yes, Another One!

The EEStor naysayers were handed another set back today with yet another Lockheed Martin patent application for a transportable electrical energy storage system. WIPO publication number WO/2009/009176 was filed Feb 1, 2008 (very shortly after Lockheed Martin issued it's first EEStor press release) and published Jan 15, 2009. The application was actually received on April 3, 2007. It

Jan 2009: Lockheed Martin says EEStor "could be a true game-changing technology"

Lockheed Martin's New Year's celebration can safely be brought to a close now that it's monthly employee newsletter has been made available to the public on it's website and which appears to offer new information concerning it's recent EEStor EESU patent application.In the January 2009 edition, an article discusses the work of the Power Management Team within the LM Missiles and Fire Control (

EEStor & Partner Trademark Applications

Here's an article with links to trademark applications for EEStor and partners, Zenn Motor Company and LightEVs.