If there's one universal truth one can take away from The Academy Awards, it's that the more you insist that your awards celebration is important, the more important it becomes. With that in mind, it's time to recognize achievement in the field of EEStorytelling. The ballots have been cast and the winners shall now learn of their greatness.The first category recognizes an individual who has
Now that the economic stimulus plan is the law of the land and ordinary citizens like me are learning about it's various provisions partly through the salesmanship of its supporters, it's time to consider carefully whether or not it's going to work. It's not going to work and here's why. In the most simplest terms possible, the absolute best way to summarize what is wrong with the plan is to
President Obama signed into law the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act today. Unfortunately, the law did not name Dick Weir as Secretary of Energy Storage, a title he surely deserves (if a 3rd party confirms his production line capabilities). The law failed to name barium titanate the official energy storage material of the Department of Energy or Department of Defense, despite it's certain
Lyle at gm-volt.com sent me note this weekend with a link to an interview he did with Denise Gray, head of GM's advanced battery division. A little bit later, Hank Green from Ecogeek, sent me what appears to be video of this interview and if you note, it looks like Hank may have been working the camera when the question was asked.It's good to see GM acknowledging EEStor. Maybe this will cause