How vital is the electrification of vehicles to a state like Michigan? What steps are being taken to ensure Michigan seizes the American automobile battery marketplace? Will lithium ion be the battery of choice for electric vehicles? These are questions Jennifer Granholm's administration is currently grappling with to do it's part to lead Michigan back from the brink of disaster to the
Late last night, under the cover of a dark persistent fog hanging over Washington Dulles Airport, Mr. James Woolsey, advocate for electric vehicles and for a reduction of dependence on foreign oil, bumped into the EEStor blogger. Woolsey was debriefed of his EEStor knowledge (he's heard the name multiple times recently but hasn't researched it much) and informed that he had just met and talked
EEStor license holder Zenn Motor Company is a very small Canadian company. After EEStor places proof of their technology's capabilities on the table, the value of Zenn may skyrocket. In fairness, we may never get to that point if EEStor fails to deliver (I'm pretty certain they will though). Since the Zenn's Annual General Meeting is this evening, I thought I would invoke a discussion on a
The New York Times has released an interesting map showing where in the USA the recession is hitting the hardest. It's interesting to ask which Members of Congress may be under higher levels of constituency pressure to provide leadership through these days....pressure that might be alleviated gradually with break throughs like EEStor's EESU which bring not only economic benefits but hope. The
Wired released a 4 part story today covering the grid, batteries, transmission and lots of related things. I first learned about EEStor from a wired article so I'm a follower of their news. What do I think of this series of articles of theirs? The energy storage piece is not too deep, sorry Vince Beiser. The only super batteries worth mentioning are EEStor EESU's. :-)
The Department of Energy Released two Funding Announcements today which could be targeted by EEStor and it's partners. The first is a Electric Drive announcement and the second is a Battery manufacturing announcement. The total amount of funding available is $1.475 Billion.Essentially, the DOE is providing grant funds to companies who apply and have projects deemed worthy of funding. The
Dr. Imre Gyuk of the US Department of Energy confirmed today that Sandia National Labs (A Lockheed Martin operated national security lab) held talks with EEStor Inc in the Fall of 2008 regarding the possibility of testing EEStor prototypes. Gyuk is the Program Manager for Energy Storage Research at the DOE which sponsors a team of researchers at SNL focused on distributed energy storage and
Beware the ides of March. In the past year, Members of Congress from Texas have contacted Department of Energy personnel to raise EEStor's profile in the race for DOE funding of advanced battery initiatives. This revelation originates from personnel at a national security laboratory who spoke on the condition of not naming the lab in question. The lab is one of the most prominent in the United
Soothsayer: Caesar!Caesar: Ha! Who calls?Casca: Bid every noise be still; peace yet again!Caesar: Who is it in the press that calls on me? I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music, Cry "Casear." Speak; Caesar is turned to hear.Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.Caesar: What man is that?Brutus: A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March. Caesar: Set him before
Did yesterday's NASA story send you into an orbit from which you wish you could never leave? Did the TRL values assigned to EEStor's technology maturity provide you with a tiny multi colored ray of hope? Was your EEStor happiness running full steam ahead? Well, you better sit down because we need to discuss something.I reached the author of the trade study via phone yesterday, ie, Dr. Cheng-Yi
Five years ago, President Bush laid out his vision for space exploration which would include a return to the moon by 2020 "with the goal of living and working there for increasingly extended periods of time. In April 2006 NASA announced it would take up the challenge. It then spent the next 2 years "studying the various functional needs and technical challenges inherent in exploration of the
Previously, I mentioned former Intel chairman Andy Grove's interests in seeing Intel produce batteries for vehicles, which would be quite a competitor for EEStor Inc. (if they had any technology worth mass producing) Today, Bloomberg is reporting that Dick Weir may have an even bigger entity to contend with: ALL OF JAPAN AND EUROPE!!Officials from both entities are in discussions to jointly
Article describing Gov't interest in Patents.2008 Top Patent Firms.A patent scoring system. Another one.