I found some of EEStor co-inventor Carl W. Nelson's early research. He's been quite a mystery in the EEStory. Does anyone out there know him personally? If so, shoot me an email: eestorblog@gmail.com
Tesla landed a $465Mil DOE loan according to a Wired article. The loan is supposed to aid the development of the Model S, a car the vast majority of Americans (and Earthlings) can not afford. That's an interesting amount of money to be sure.
I watched the documentary A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash this weekend. It was the first time I had a look at an organized view of how much oil is left on the Earth and how it impacts several things such as the environment and the economy. I think the movie makes a compelling case for a simple point: our future generations will not have the luxury of basing their economies on oil. Secondly,
Do you know what your Department of Energy is up to these days? You should if you desire to stay informed at this peculiar time in history where our dependence on fossil fuels is so directly tied to our economic security. There's a lot of good intentions out there floating around in the form of stimulus funds geared towards Energy Independence and Clean Tech. But, what are the people who we
An alert reader known as Spaceballs_3000 at TheEEStory.com has located a public record showing who are some of the investors in EEStor inc as of 2007. They include:KCPB Holdings Inc. of Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield and Byers. The point of reference is listed at John Denniston. Mike Long of Terralliance (formerly of Homestore). The 2004 Topfer Gifting Trust. This entity is associated with Dell
After months of attempts, I finally was able to have a conversation with Mort Topfer about EEStor Inc. It was brief. Here's why: as of 3 months ago, he is no longer associated with the EEStor project. His decision was based on the fact that he did not want to be involved with "such an early stage startup company." He cited his age, 73, as a key factor. B: Does your leaving EEStor imply that
CNNMoney.com writer Steve Hargreaves has a nice article out today on Ener1. The article highlights many of the same challenges EEStor will face in moving from where it is now with component testing to a scaled up manufacturing capability. No mention of EEStor in the article, meaning you the reader, are still on the fringe. How does that fringe feel to you? Or maybe, sir, you are on the
"The impossibility of EEStor's impossibility is itself Impossible, " so says a group of 3rd order naysayer believers who call themselves "Ferro-Para-analytic EEstorextentialists" at a recent online gathering of the group. "We've looked at this thing three ways from Sunday and the evidence is very clearly in our favor," said an unknown participant. When pressed to unpack the seemingly repetitive