Actors Get Brains?

Source: Pisqa
Finally, after decades of being little more than pretty faces, actor activists (actorvists (I didn't coin that)) are getting least George Clooney is anyway. You've probably read that Clooney, unlike most uber famous hollywood stars, has taken on a cause that might easily one day lead to his untimely death: Sudan.  According to a recent Time magazine article, Clooney

Secretary Chu On Lithium Ion?

Source: NY Times
Like most public officials,  DOE Secretary Chu can be both praised and criticized for the choices he has made to advance the mission of the agency he leads.   My initial worry with Chu was that maybe he didn't prioritize energy storage enough  in his overall plan so that research funding was being spread too thinly across various renewable energy technologies.  I also worried

Wikileaks Heats Up Lithium Ion Drama

The global race to develop lithium ion batteries has suddenly become far more interesting thanks to new Wikileaks documents released recently. According to one of the cables,  the Inter-American Development Bank has given the government of Bolivia a report "that details the serious potential for environmental damage in extracting Lithium."   The cable paints Morales as an eager industrialist who

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I know it's been a long time since I wrote to you and we both know the circumstances which have made me largely ineligible to benefit from your work, i.e., that I've been a bad boy for a long, loooong, loooonnnggg time.

Rather than live in the past, I thought I would try and start anew, first, by saying I am so sorry for being bad. I will try and not act like the world revolves

NASA Press Conference Bubble Burst: No Life Found On Other Planets

"No life has been found on other planets. "  So says Dr. Steven Benner, panelist scheduled to take part in a NASA press conference tomorrow.   Every major media outlet along with about a hundred thousand blogs are reporting that the press conference may include an announcement of a discovery of life on other planets.

I spoke with Dr. Benner this afternoon and while the exact contents of the

Chu Touts Metal Air Ionic Liquid Battery

US DOE Secretary Chu spoke today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  After spending a good deal of time talking about innovation and it's importance to the USA's economic future, he presented a few potential breakthroughs.  First on the list is the Metal Air Ionic Liquid battery under development by a spinoff from Arizona State University called Fluidic Energy.    See slide 23.  Chu

EEStor Followers Resort to Open Weeping

Reader mail suggests that the mood surrounding EEStor followers is a somber one even giving way to open weeping.   The underlying source of tears appears to be Dick Weir's adept performance of the quiet game.   Sure, in the past, many EEStor followers (and Zenn shareholders) have expressed anger, outrage and even open hostility and mental derangement.  But now, it seems a new phase is coming over


You could have done a million other things with your life.  Some of those would have been far more financially rewarding, less physically demanding and require less of your courage.  But you didn't go down that path.  You chose to serve your fellow citizens, to make personal sacrifices for a greater good.

For your choices, your effort & your service.


EEStor & Halloween: Halloweestor?

If you live in or around Cedar Park, TX and a gentleman in his 70s tries to trick or treat your house this year, would you please inform the Great Pumpkin to finish his work with the batteries first.  There will be plenty of time for great big bags of candy in due time. 

Here are a couple vids to help true believers feel good about Halloween. Enjoy

Regards to RT for originally

EEStor's Law Firm Sued: Intellectual Property Conflict of Interest Claimed

Former Entrepreneur
In the United States, we are proud of our entrepreneurs.  They create. They innovate. They take risks and create new businesses and jobs.  Venture capital firms seize upon this sentiment and often claim loudly that they deserve credit for sharing the risk and providing the financing and connections required by start up businesses.  Often times what turns out to be the most

Yet Another EEStor Patent Allowance: Method of preparing ceramic powders using chelate precursors

Patent application 11/369255 has been issued an allowance by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

It means it will soon be granted a patent number to become a full fledged piece of EEStor intellectual property.

This patent was hard fought if the submission of 4 affidavit's is any indication.  

Many are rightly wondering what the significance of this patent is amid all of EEStor's

EEStor says its Paraeletric Material is also Paramagnetic...with Paranormal Effects

MuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahAahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhahaaaaahhhhhh New October 2010 Patent Application aahhhhhaaaahahahahahahahahahahahah.Muhahahahahaahhahaah

Three EEStor Insiders Break Their Silence: "We're Upset With Dick Weir"

"We are upset with Dick and want him to hurry up."   So say three people very close to EEStor Inc. operations in a recent interview I was solicited to perform via conference call earlier this week.   Lockheed Martin's CEO, Bob Stevens, Dick Weir's wife Betty Weir and Jesus Christ, Son of God are all in agreement, Dick Weir is taking waaay too long to deliver.  

Tuesday October 12, 2010:  Panel

10 Ten 10

1)  This secret's a secret even after its told. 
2)  To know it is to love it, to understand it is to hate it.
3)  To not understand it is to love to know it and so hate it.
4)  To aim for it, is to lose it. It's already there. 
5)  Thus, this secret is secure.  
6) A secret's not a secret after it's told.
7) Hating to know is loving to understand.
8) Owning is knowing to hate loving.
9) Words

10-10-10 Part 2


EEStor: 10-10-10


States of Texas Declares EEStor Titan of Industry: Only Kidding

The Texas Workforce Commission has released a new book this month called "Working Texas Style" which includes a quote from EEStor's Tom Weir in Chapter 14 on "Hot Technologies in Today's Texas."   Weir claims 2010 will be a big year for EEStor (gulp) and that they plan to be a Texas based company.  (no, not Brazil)  Intriguingly,  Weir claims they will begin hiring less advanced engineers than

Battery Hype + Electric Delivery Truck Hype = Electrification Hysteria!

Full Disclosure: before I wrote this article, I bought 2000 shares of Enova stock at $0.74 today.  I have no intention of trading the stock or flipping it for a short term gain. As with my Zenn investment (which I have never sold), I intend to take a long term investment approach.  Most of my investment decisions lead to failure so do not construe this article as an invitation to join me as I

HP, their EEStor Patent and Ray Lane, their new Chairman

Ray Lane  Source: Flickr
It would be problematic if I didn't write an article highlighting something TheEEStory user Muftee pointed out.   Hewlett Packard recently hired Kleiner Perkins exec Ray Lane to be it's chairman.   Additionally, a recent HP patent application included a reference to EEStor.   Probably unrelated, sure.  But one mustn't forget that Ray Lane is one of the Kleiner partners

For EEStorians Old News is New News

Rep. Bob Inglis
Three years ago, the US House Committee on Science an Technology's Subcommittee on Energy and Environment (deep breath) held a hearing to learn more about Energy Storage for the purpose of drafting new legislation in hopes of spurring development.   Among the witnesses called before the subcommittee was Ms. Patricia Hoffman of the Department of Energy.  At the time, she lead R&D

EEStor Announces Cause of Delays: Procrastination

In a tersely worded statement shouted out of a slowly moving vehicle today, EEStor's Dick Weir made plain why there's been no commercially available EESU yet,  "I've been procrastinating."

 Followed to the stop sign exiting the EEStor Cedar Park, TX location, a few follow up questions were answered, "Do you think you might get on that sometime soon?"

Weir:  "Well, I've got a lot things to do

Rally to Restore Sanity?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity

Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

For the first time in my life, I will be attending a political rally in Washington DC on Saturday, October 30 2010. I hope they have special seating for prominent bagheads like me.  I'm razor close to making attendance mandatory for Futureman

More FOIA Materials

A couple more FOIA records for your review:

EEStor Controversy: Air Force Research Lab Wants to Know What Lockheed Martin is Sssssmokin'!!!!

If someone had pointed out to me 4 years ago that I would soon be authoring a blog about a breakthrough battery technology with thousands of daily readers, I would have asked what they were smoking and then laughed at how weird my life must be if that were to come true.  Later, I would have had a nervous breakdown.  

I don't know anything about batteries or capacitors or storing electrical

Max Power in The Power Dome

Over the next few days, we'll be releasing more of the documents obtained from the Air Force Research Lab related to EEStor.   We've redacted the names of the persons discussing EEStor as a courtesy to them.  Their FOIA officer actually could have redacted them under personal privacy provisions we've seen invoked by other govt agencies.   I hope the Air Force Research Lab follows suit as it seems

EEStor EESU Powered Elevator?

Adrian Godwin gives the world an EESU powered elevator....key if you want your elevator to be powered without a power cable always plugged in...or in case the power supplied by that line fails.  Hhhhmmm, how many traditional ultracaps would it take to pull off such a feat?  My guess is about 2 trillion but I didn't get very far in math.
It's a good read, so I'll quote at length:
In a vertical

Air Force Email Indicating EEStor Invite

There seems to be some doubts---based on my prior blog post--- about whether the FOIA records we have obtained contain information concerning an EEStor invitation to a demo.  

Have a look for yourself.    Also,  if you're curious,  this isn't that big of a deal to me personally.  I won't be celebrating until I hear it from a govt person that testing/demo'ing/certifying is either underway or

EEStor Teases Government Agencies With Invitation To Technology Demonstration

According to emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), on July 8 of this year, a long time researcher working within the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, NM got a call from EEStor's CEO Dick Weir.  According to the email,  Weir was calling to invite him to a demonstration of EEStor technology to take place at EEStor's facilities in Cedar Park

New Eestor wipo patent

A new Eestor patent published recently. See for details. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone back up

Service back up. Oh joy.- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Theeestory outage is down due to an upstream outage. Sorry, no eta. Its probably not because of a reveal. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

10-10-2010 : October 10, 2010 : Who Will Own It?

We had some competition last year on 9 September 2009 with various companies making announcements on that day.  Yet, so far, no one has tried to own 10 October 2010.   It's like people hate the number 10 or something.  I can think of about 10 ways to use this date myself.   Maybe I should seize this day?  I can call it the 10 most important things you never knew until you hit October 10, 2010. Or

Secretary Chu on EEStor? You tell me.

Secretary Steven Chu.  Source: ABC News.
DOE chief Secretary Steven Chu was recently asked about whether or not he was aware of EEStor Inc.  What did he say in response?  Quite a bit but completely sidestepped the question.  Is there any significance to HOW he answered the question?

You decide.

Long time EEStory follower Corwinbad supplies the audio of his question which he gathered as a

Vinod Khosla: 'Only Interested In Shares of EEStor Inc.'

Vinod Khosla  Source. 
In late 2007 and 2008, one of the better ways to land a meeting with Vinod Khosla was to pitch a business plan that included almost any opportunity closely tied to EEStor Inc.   Khosla's keen interest in anything EEStor-related stems from his exposure to it during Kleiner Perkins' EEStor due diligence phase, a process that included Khosla's participation as a partner of

Thought for the Day

"There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand."

Ed Beardsworth: The Original EEStor Blogger

Much has been made of EEStor's development time lines. Skeptics say ongoing delays are proof they have nothing. Industry veterans say development cycles do not happen quickly and cite examples: Tesla, Valence & Bloom Energy, etc ad nauseum.

So, what do you build your case on? For anyone trying to establish credibility for their view on EEStor, it's important to cite actual facts. That's


MuhahahaHahahahahah- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Useful eestor patent news

I'm driving down i95 but pulled over to post this article.Read this forum post: of the documents has a checkbox next to exhibit / demo provided...- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Check Out GE

New Charging Station.

UL Certified.

Thx ElectricEEL.
Good thing it's future proof.

Zenn Motor Company

Not sure if the youthful looking person in the front row is still a shareholder or not.

I'm the one in the back with my hands case you're wondering.  (white bag that day)

Nanosolar's Roscheisen "on something of big interest to" me (the eestor blogger) in September

I never got around to pestering R. Martin Roscheisen for an interview following his dramatic Nanosolar revelation party last year on 9/9/9. So, I decided to hound him today to keep it friendly. He shot back a quick email saying, "I will do that on a subject of big interest to you...say in Sept?" In September? No, that doesn't work for me. How about July?

Please note, when R uses the term '

Techical issues is under attack by evil forces originating all over the world. Pray for this web service! Or, we seem to be experiencing technical difficulties and administrators everywhere are responding. Use this time to enjoy a cold beverage or drop a donation into nyumbani or contemplate a way to transform your life into something you can be proud of on your deathbed.- Posted using BlogPress

Good Reporting

CNN piece on oil spills in Nigeria. A taste of the true cost of our oil dependency.

Lockheed Martin to help manufacture EESU's? Probably. In Georgia? Maybe.

According to three separate individuals with unverifiable sources, Lockheed Martin will manufacture or assemble EEStor military EESU's at manufacturing facilities in Marietta, Georgia.  (see also)  A quick sweep through a series of regulatory resources including the Environmental Protection Agency's permitting databases could not support the claim.  Furthermore, the sources would not ID their

Will EEStor Reveal During Oil Spill Crisis?

If you look back over the past couple of years, there have been some pretty extraordinary world events which could have provided a fantastic backdrop for an EEStor reveal. Let's list and examine some of these events

1) Run up in Oil Prices in 1st half of 2008

With all the media talking about how high the prices were going, it would have been one hell of a story to latch on to, "Battery

Pantun jenaka

Kumpulan Pantun Jenaka | Contoh Pantun Jenaka. barusan posting tentang namun pantun jenak namun tadi sayangnnya ada kesalahan dalam penulisan link..

nah langsung saja kunjungi link di bawah ini untuk bisa melihat contoh-contoh Kumpulan Pantun Jenaka | Contoh Pantun Jenaka. terima kasih..


Pantun adalah budaya indonesia Kumpulan Pantun Jenaka | Contoh Pantun Jenaka. namun sayangnnya pantun jenaka ini sudah mulai di lupakan oleh banyak orang nah bagi yang ingin melihat contoh-contoh pantun jenaka anda bisa lihat dengan klik alamat link berikut Kumpulan Pantun Jenaka | Contoh Pantun Jenaka.

terima kasih semoga membantu...

EEStor No Longer Lone Crazy Energy Storage Company Thanks to Vinod Khosla

According to officials within the Department of Energy's ARPA division, any recently announced winner of funding for the Batteries for Electrical Energy Storage in Transportation (BEEST) program would have been required to provide a "strong potential to meet or exceed the Primary Technical Requirements" for the funding opportunity. Those requirements include EEStor-level energy densities of

Loco En La Cabeza USPTO Grants EEStor Another Patent: Cadre of Fanboyz, "Yakety Yakety Yak: Net New News"

Depending on your version of reality, the USPTO has either granted EEStor yet another patent (this time for Utility Grid Storage applications penned originally at, night) or provided more fuel for hallucinating EEStor believers. That second link is to a discussion of a new letter from Carl Nelson penned in November 2008 which goes into greater detail regarding EEStor's claims to have a

The EEStor Blogger on British Petroleum Oil Spill: "I will accept responsibility."

The tremendously horrible BP oil disaster appears to be getting worse and worse every day.  People are understandably starting to get angry....very angry.  One thing about angry people is they loooove! to let everyone else know how angry they are.  Occasionally, this anger has been interrupted by reason which culminates in what I take to be some of the most fascinating finger pointing I've ever

Zenn CFO Looks for Less Greener Pastures

The soon to be former CFO of Zenn Motor Company, Lawrence Schreiner is fanatically excited to be departing Zenn Motor Company. I spoke with him yesterday following the announcement to see if I could learn more about what motivated the move. B: Larry, I read the announcement and wondered if you could walk us through what's going on here. Larry: It's pretty simple, B. Zenn has become too stable

EEStor CEO Breaks Silence in USPTO Letter

EEStor Founder and CEO, Dick Weir has entered the fray concerning patent protection for one of his claimed 15 patent applications. The letter to the patent examiner covering EEStor's reveals more information on Dick Weir's background that until now has been laboriously pieced together by the good guys, known to some as a cadre of fanboyz following EEStor. Here is the letter from Weir. This is

:: Poptropica Mythology Island Walkthrough

Name: Poptropica Mythology Island Walkthrough
Subject: Poptropica Mythology Island Walkthrough

According to basic story of Mythology Island, you are a hero who should save Poptropica from Zeus, who has a plot to rule all of Poptropica. Zeus is most powerful. He rules the domain of the sky and he is famous for the thunder god because of his powerful thunderbolts and ancient Greeks believed he created thunderstorms to exert his power or frighten his enemies. Zeus was never recognized to be a nice guy and in Poptropica he is certainly determined to get even more power. You will first meet him after you find the golden apple on the tree of life, which belongs to him. He stops short of smiting you with a thunderbolt and instead asks you to complete an important quest for him before he will grant you the immortality that the golden apple provides.

This begins the first part of Mythology Island, where you try to locate five rare and powerful items for Zeus. Once you successfully complete that quest, he then deceives you and steals the items for his own purposes. In the grand finale, you should battle with Zeus to save all of Poptropica from his creepy plot in his sky kingdom. From the pages of Greek Mythology, you will come across many strange and wondrous creatures. You will also meet several Gods and Goddesses, defeat terrible creatures, and solve difficult challenges as you undertake your grand quest.

On the player will get a reward of 100 free Poptropica credits to play this game and these credits can be spent at the Poptropica store. When you need any help to beat island level, the Poptropica Mythology Island walkthrough will give all the information, tips, cheats, secrets and advice.

Walkthrough of Mythology Island:
Visitor Ip:

Penn State Unveils Capacitor that's a "cost effective alternative to battery solutions". Stanford in race too...

One of the claims made often by EEStor skeptics is that the science behind EEStor's technology is impossible. Capacitors, by their very nature, the argument goes, can't possibly achieve an energy density that exceeds batteries.Is it time to safely relegate that opinion to myth?Thanks to a Department of Energy news release covering several grants funded by the ARPA-E division, we learn that Khosla


Lockheed Martin is Making Fun of YOU

You know who you are: an intense EEStor skeptic beating your chest in conjunction with the pure light of reason or a part of a cadre of EEStor fanboyz, beating your chests in conjunction with the pure light of reason or some blogger with a bag on your head, beating your chest in conjunction with the pure light of reason. conjunction with this paragraph.Lockheed Martin is making fun of

Lockheed: 10 CleanTech Plays You Maybe Missed

If you have a copy of the briefing Lockheed's Jim Kohlhaas delivered at the Bloomberg conference last month, shoot me a copy.

How Will Sulgraves Partners' Mike Long Help EEStor?

Anyone who has followed EEStor over the years has probably scratched their head once or twice concerning their communication planning. The press releases in the past haven't been written for the average Joe on the street. Dick's a smart engineering type who likes to talk a million miles an hour because he's genuinely excited but no one would mistake him for a media relations or media

10 Things You Can Do To Prepare Yourself for EEStor's Reveal

The typical complaints of NNNN are circulating again over at While everyone is focused on when we might learn something new from EEStor, it seems more useful to me at this point to take a few moments to consider possible preparations you can make now to maximize your enjoyment of the reveal. These recommendations are not guaranteed to take you directly to happiness but they may

Credibility Questions Emerge Over Kleiner Perkins' Involvement with Terralliance

Although it's been pointed out several times previously that not every Kleiner Perkins investment yields a win, many still believe Kleiner Perkins' involvement with EEStor provides credibility. But a new article penned by Adam Lashinksky about a firm formerly known as Terralliance challenges this belief. Lashinsky makes a compelling case that relying on the due diligence of firms like Kleiner

EEStor's Dick Weir Talking Again: EEStor has 5 Patents Now

A renewable energy blogger I correspond with occasionally shared with me details of his recent interview with Dick Weir taken on Wednesday, March 24th 2010. He had no current plans to publish it because the topics he was mainly inquiring about did not receive comments from Weir. In the interview, Weir made several comments on a number of other topics however. 1) Weir feels strongly that the

Zenn's AGM

I was disappointed by the AGM. I think the target should have been:1) say a few encouraging words about EEStor progress that is tangible yet respects the NDA2) say a few encouraging words about success marketing Zennergy to the automotive marketI think the market opportunity discussion was not as important as expanding on the facts surrounding marketing it to potential automotive customers.

Gigya Reading My Email?

Gmail informed me today that someone from this IP address attempted to access my email: registry shows the IP belongs to Gigya Inc. From their website, we learn this:Who We AreFounded in 2006 by a team of Israeli technologists, we are experts in how people interact on the web, both with content and each other. We have focused since our inception on simplifying the connection

St. Patrick Says EEStor is Real

Quite unexpectedly, I got a call from St. Patrick today. He wanted to say a few words about EESU. Go ahead, Pat. "The EESU packs energy so astronomical In space that is very economical, But the new ones I've seen So hard to believe, That baghead is correct... if not comical."--St. Patrick March 17, 2010Thank you, St. Patrick. That'll keep all the snakes slithering along.

Zenn Motor Company New Executive Short List

In light of the prior story I posted over the weekend concerning alleged misbehavior at Zenn Motor Company, I've been bombarded with questions & concerns expressed by the sizable portion of EEStory followers who are also Zenn investors. Out of the multitude of interests expressed therein, I've selected one to dissect in this article:------------------------------------Dear EEStory Blogger B,

Zenn Motor Company BoD Botches Harrassment Incident?

According to multiple sources including a Zenn Motor Company institutional investor (who all spoke on the condition of anonymity), a sexual harassment scandal may have been mishandled by Zenn's executive team and board of directors. Apparently, an internal investigation has determined that a senior Zenn executive violated sexual harrassment rules with a junior employee. The executive was

Word of the Day: Chronopotentiometry

The word of the day-- today-- is chronopotentiometry which edged out it's near cousin chronoamperometry. Ta-ta!!

Deutsche Bank Ahead of the Sharply Downward Curve

Brain Surgeon, Dr. Lyle Dennis of, cracked open my mind today (I didn't feel a thing and was actually awake the whole time) to a report from a trio of analysts at Deutsche Bank claiming greater optimism for the future of electric vehicles including primarily that the price of batteries "appear to be coming down faster than we expected." The sharper decline in pricing "implies

NASA: EESU Originally Called "Rapid Energy Delivery Battery" REDB

You may recall a couple articles I wrote concerning a FOIA request issued to NASA headquarters by world famous EEStor follower, RT. In that request, we learned that EEStor had submitted six proposals to the SBIR program in 2002. If you check the original release, the last page shows an email from an employee who found the proposals using a search tool at NASA. The original FOIA request should

Al Gore on EEStor: I'm Not Doing Interviews Right Now

But, thank ya anyway. Lockheed Martin revealed their WORLD CHANGING SEEsuite software capabilities today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, God Bless Them. Unfortunately for this important Lockheed initiative, no new information about EEStor was revealed. However, Lockheed Martin DID make an excellent choice today and they actually answered a question THAT I SUBMITTED online during

Lockheed Martin EESUite, I mean SEEsuite to See EESU eat

Lockheed will be rolling back the curtains on their SEESuite or grid management applications today at the National Press Club. Early indications are that there will be no new information concerning EEStor. However, based on past events, Lockheed officials have been desperately working on their EEStor poker faces. I anticipate forced grimaces and stone faced indifference when invariably asked

Counterintelligent? National Security Agency Seeks EEStor Intelligence

In his new book, "Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy," veteran Washington DC reporter Eamon Javers provides a vivid picture of the current collaboration taking place between various multi-national corporations and individuals and firms arising from the intelligence community. As Javers discovered, today's large businesses & a growing number of hedge funds are increasingly utilizing the spy skills of

Feb 19, 2010 Dick Weir EEStor Interview: EESU is "inna de bag, mon."

Many have wondered why I haven't posted an interview with EEStor's Dick Weir in quite some time. Well, today, I think I can finally shed some light on that issue. As it turns out, EEStor has been in agreement with having another interview for a long time. However, I have been unwilling to agree with their one condition. But, in light of the fact that so many people want to know what is going

Kleiner's EEStor SMEs? Penn State. Hello?

One of the more interesting aspects of following the EEStor story is the belief among numerous reputable individuals that what EEStor has claimed to do is impossible. Skeptics say there are no known materials, in the capacitor realm, that can store between 10 and 20 thousand Joules/cc (EEStor's proposed energy density) due to phenomena known as saturation & breakdown respectively. While most

TheEEStory Mini-Me Story

I am occasionally exposed to EESt0r-Like projects which to greater and lessor degrees offer elements of the EEStor story. Alert citizens bring these to my attention. And they should because this blog is AT LEAST the center of the universe when it comes to the fringe of the mainstream energy storage race. :-) Ok, fine, center of the fringe universe. For now maybe. But hide and watch, mon frere

EEStor Competitor A123 Systems Asks Uncle Sam for $1Bil

According to a FOIA release from the US Department of Energy, battery manufacturer-in-the-making, A123 Systems (a company whose founder once tried to replicate an EEStor EESU) has applied for $1Bil in loans as part of the 2007 Energy Independence & Security Act. The list of applications for the Department of Energy program is a who's who & who's new of automotive technology including the big 3,

Terrorist Bin Laden Joins EEStor Fan Base?

You might think that the world's most famous terrorist loves it when the price of oil zips up and out of control. After all, it's been said a million times that most terrorism is funded by oil money. But don't you know that most terrorists, especially the ones in hiding, are actually green like Al Gore? (They have to be: UAV's. ) But now the philosophy of going green is also taking root.

Apple Announces IPad Sans EESU

Well, there you go. The Apple news in all it's glory including a New York Times demo featuring, appropriately, me. Thanks EEnigma!

EEStor's Board of Directors

In a brief telephone interview yesterday, Sulgraves Partners' Mike Long declined to comment on several questions but did confirm he is still happily involved with EEStor Inc as a member of it's board of directors. Citing his "respect for the CEO's role," Long said that EEStor's CEO, Dick Weir "speaks for the company" and that he is "happy with that arrangement." Long has a successful track

Regarding Our Oil Rich Friends

Some news for energy independence minded individuals.I read with interest how "our friends" in the oil rich lands have responded to the cataclysmic events in Haiti. $0. That's how much help has been provided according to United Nations documents. Can't bring EEStor to market fast enough.

When Dick Weir Writes Patents at Night

Everyone knows by now that Dick Weir writes patents at night. What no one seems to know for sure is WHY he writes them at night. (day and night, to be correct) The answer is not easy to come by which is why we must refer to the visual arts to explore the matter further. The first thing we should recognize is that a great deal else occurs at night, other than patent writing. So, maybe the

EEStor Granted A New Patent: 11/453,581

In yet another mystery chapter from the EEStory, we find that EEStor has been granted patent 11/453,581. Originally filed in June 2006, this patent for a METHOD OF PURIFYING BARIUM NITRATE AQUEOUS SOLUTION, had it's patent Issue Notification mailed on Dec 30,2009 and the Patent Grant Mailed on January 19, 2010. At first look, it appears to have stayed under the radar until now. If you examine

Nanosolar Obtains Federal Funding

$43 Mil to Nanosolar. Nanosolar $ 43,453,309 Solar PV San Jose CA San Jose CA Nanosolar will factory produce tools for the manufacturing of low-cost, low-GHG emission solar cells, using nanotechnology-enabled roll-to-roll processes. Tools enable high throughput production steps including printing of electronic ink, annealing, various deposition steps, cell assembly, and quality