You might think that the world's most famous terrorist loves it when the price of oil zips up and out of control. After all, it's been said a million times that most terrorism is funded by oil money. But don't you know that most terrorists, especially the ones in hiding, are actually green like Al Gore? (They have to be: UAV's. ) But now the philosophy of going green is also taking root.
Well, there you go. The Apple news in all it's glory including a New York Times demo featuring, appropriately, me. Thanks EEnigma!
In a brief telephone interview yesterday, Sulgraves Partners' Mike Long declined to comment on several questions but did confirm he is still happily involved with EEStor Inc as a member of it's board of directors. Citing his "respect for the CEO's role," Long said that EEStor's CEO, Dick Weir "speaks for the company" and that he is "happy with that arrangement." Long has a successful track
Some news for energy independence minded individuals.I read with interest how "our friends" in the oil rich lands have responded to the cataclysmic events in Haiti. $0. That's how much help has been provided according to United Nations documents. Can't bring EEStor to market fast enough.
Everyone knows by now that Dick Weir writes patents at night. What no one seems to know for sure is WHY he writes them at night. (day and night, to be correct) The answer is not easy to come by which is why we must refer to the visual arts to explore the matter further. The first thing we should recognize is that a great deal else occurs at night, other than patent writing. So, maybe the
In yet another mystery chapter from the EEStory, we find that EEStor has been granted patent 11/453,581. Originally filed in June 2006, this patent for a METHOD OF PURIFYING BARIUM NITRATE AQUEOUS SOLUTION, had it's patent Issue Notification mailed on Dec 30,2009 and the Patent Grant Mailed on January 19, 2010. At first look, it appears to have stayed under the radar until now. If you examine
$43 Mil to Nanosolar. Nanosolar $ 43,453,309 Solar PV San Jose CA San Jose CA Nanosolar will factory produce tools for the manufacturing of low-cost, low-GHG emission solar cells, using nanotechnology-enabled roll-to-roll processes. Tools enable high throughput production steps including printing of electronic ink, annealing, various deposition steps, cell assembly, and quality