Although it's been pointed out several times previously that not every Kleiner Perkins investment yields a win, many still believe Kleiner Perkins' involvement with EEStor provides credibility. But a new article penned by Adam Lashinksky about a firm formerly known as Terralliance challenges this belief. Lashinsky makes a compelling case that relying on the due diligence of firms like Kleiner
A renewable energy blogger I correspond with occasionally shared with me details of his recent interview with Dick Weir taken on Wednesday, March 24th 2010. He had no current plans to publish it because the topics he was mainly inquiring about did not receive comments from Weir. In the interview, Weir made several comments on a number of other topics however. 1) Weir feels strongly that the
I was disappointed by the AGM. I think the target should have been:1) say a few encouraging words about EEStor progress that is tangible yet respects the NDA2) say a few encouraging words about success marketing Zennergy to the automotive marketI think the market opportunity discussion was not as important as expanding on the facts surrounding marketing it to potential automotive customers.
Gmail informed me today that someone from this IP address attempted to access my email: registry shows the IP belongs to Gigya Inc. From their website, we learn this:Who We AreFounded in 2006 by a team of Israeli technologists, we are experts in how people interact on the web, both with content and each other. We have focused since our inception on simplifying the connection
Quite unexpectedly, I got a call from St. Patrick today. He wanted to say a few words about EESU. Go ahead, Pat. "The EESU packs energy so astronomical In space that is very economical, But the new ones I've seen So hard to believe, That baghead is correct... if not comical."--St. Patrick March 17, 2010Thank you, St. Patrick. That'll keep all the snakes slithering along.
In light of the prior story I posted over the weekend concerning alleged misbehavior at Zenn Motor Company, I've been bombarded with questions & concerns expressed by the sizable portion of EEStory followers who are also Zenn investors. Out of the multitude of interests expressed therein, I've selected one to dissect in this article:------------------------------------Dear EEStory Blogger B,
According to multiple sources including a Zenn Motor Company institutional investor (who all spoke on the condition of anonymity), a sexual harassment scandal may have been mishandled by Zenn's executive team and board of directors. Apparently, an internal investigation has determined that a senior Zenn executive violated sexual harrassment rules with a junior employee. The executive was
The word of the day-- today-- is chronopotentiometry which edged out it's near cousin chronoamperometry. Ta-ta!!
Brain Surgeon, Dr. Lyle Dennis of, cracked open my mind today (I didn't feel a thing and was actually awake the whole time) to a report from a trio of analysts at Deutsche Bank claiming greater optimism for the future of electric vehicles including primarily that the price of batteries "appear to be coming down faster than we expected." The sharper decline in pricing "implies
You may recall a couple articles I wrote concerning a FOIA request issued to NASA headquarters by world famous EEStor follower, RT. In that request, we learned that EEStor had submitted six proposals to the SBIR program in 2002. If you check the original release, the last page shows an email from an employee who found the proposals using a search tool at NASA. The original FOIA request should
But, thank ya anyway. Lockheed Martin revealed their WORLD CHANGING SEEsuite software capabilities today at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, God Bless Them. Unfortunately for this important Lockheed initiative, no new information about EEStor was revealed. However, Lockheed Martin DID make an excellent choice today and they actually answered a question THAT I SUBMITTED online during
Lockheed will be rolling back the curtains on their SEESuite or grid management applications today at the National Press Club. Early indications are that there will be no new information concerning EEStor. However, based on past events, Lockheed officials have been desperately working on their EEStor poker faces. I anticipate forced grimaces and stone faced indifference when invariably asked
In his new book, "Broker, Trader, Lawyer, Spy," veteran Washington DC reporter Eamon Javers provides a vivid picture of the current collaboration taking place between various multi-national corporations and individuals and firms arising from the intelligence community. As Javers discovered, today's large businesses & a growing number of hedge funds are increasingly utilizing the spy skills of