If you live in or around Cedar Park, TX and a gentleman in his 70s tries to trick or treat your house this year, would you please inform the Great Pumpkin to finish his work with the batteries first. There will be plenty of time for great big bags of candy in due time.
Here are a couple vids to help true believers feel good about Halloween. Enjoy
Regards to RT for originally
Former Entrepreneur
In the United States, we are proud of our entrepreneurs. They create. They innovate. They take risks and create new businesses and jobs. Venture capital firms seize upon this sentiment and often claim loudly that they deserve credit for sharing the risk and providing the financing and connections required by start up businesses. Often times what turns out to be the most
Patent application 11/369255 has been issued an allowance by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
It means it will soon be granted a patent number to become a full fledged piece of EEStor intellectual property.
This patent was hard fought if the submission of 4 affidavit's is any indication.
Many are rightly wondering what the significance of this patent is amid all of EEStor's
MuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahAahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhahaaaaahhhhhh New October 2010 Patent Application aahhhhhaaaahahahahahahahahahahahah.Muhahahahahaahhahaah
"We are upset with Dick and want him to hurry up." So say three people very close to EEStor Inc. operations in a recent interview I was solicited to perform via conference call earlier this week. Lockheed Martin's CEO, Bob Stevens, Dick Weir's wife Betty Weir and Jesus Christ, Son of God are all in agreement, Dick Weir is taking waaay too long to deliver.
Tuesday October 12, 2010: Panel
1) This secret's a secret even after its told.
2) To know it is to love it, to understand it is to hate it.
3) To not understand it is to love to know it and so hate it.
4) To aim for it, is to lose it. It's already there.
5) Thus, this secret is secure.
6) A secret's not a secret after it's told.
7) Hating to know is loving to understand.
8) Owning is knowing to hate loving.
9) Words
The Texas Workforce Commission has released a new book this month called "Working Texas Style" which includes a quote from EEStor's Tom Weir in Chapter 14 on "Hot Technologies in Today's Texas." Weir claims 2010 will be a big year for EEStor (gulp) and that they plan to be a Texas based company. (no, not Brazil) Intriguingly, Weir claims they will begin hiring less advanced engineers than
Full Disclosure: before I wrote this article, I bought 2000 shares of Enova stock at $0.74 today. I have no intention of trading the stock or flipping it for a short term gain. As with my Zenn investment (which I have never sold), I intend to take a long term investment approach. Most of my investment decisions lead to failure so do not construe this article as an invitation to join me as I
Ray Lane Source: Flickr
It would be problematic if I didn't write an article highlighting something TheEEStory user Muftee pointed out. Hewlett Packard recently hired Kleiner Perkins exec Ray Lane to be it's chairman. Additionally, a recent HP patent application included a reference to EEStor. Probably unrelated, sure. But one mustn't forget that Ray Lane is one of the Kleiner partners