Imagine one day, you're walking across a large parking lot at a military base and you look in the sky and see an object you've never seen before. It isn't flying but rather maintaining a fixed position overhead. It looks like a gray metallic pyramid or triangle and very light clouds are blowing by accentuating the stationary position of the object. Depending on your disposition, you might
This is me helping sell a few copies of Tyler Hamilton's new book, "Mad Like Tesla" which contains new information about EEStor. It really does contain new information about EEStor...that I did not know previously. It has fresh EEStor research hitherto unrevealed publicly except in this new book available on Amazon.
What new information you ask? If I told you, you wouldn't buy the book. I
On Aug 18, 2011, Zenn Motor Company published an update on it's financial condition which looked weaker than a hotdog stand in the middle of the desert. The good news though is Zenn is aligning their cash burn rate (formerly known as a bonfire inferno) to match the pace of development at EEStor. Why is this good news? It means Zenn now knows EEStor's pace of development. Or does it? Well, we
Whew! Where to start? The discussions at have become so incredibly insightful and informative, I can't even begin to describe how awesome it is. The quality of insight there is way beyond average. I would dare say even the people who may be nuts are actually brilliant too. It is incredibly fun to be part of it and to learn --before most of the planet -- all the cool things is a website that endeavors to expose information about covert operations performed by governments, corporations and the media. Kevin Flaherty is it's author and he resides in New Zealand.
Basically, it's a great site to read if you need creative inspiration to come up with a cool movie thriller that has an element of realism. Or, if Flaherty's views impress you, it could be a