Stagger - I would like to sell you a CD!

From the Department of Shameless Commerce:

I am in a band. Many of you supported our Kickstarter to make our first CD (THANK YOU!), which was an amazing experience. The idea that just by asking, people would give us nearly $6000 to make some art (it's whiskey-infused art, but still art), is extraordinary.

The Internet Era is a hard time for mid-level professional creators like freelance writers and non-famous touring musicians, but it's also a time in which some of the pressures of patronage have eased. Instead of needing a few rich backers (whether a lone millionaire or a corporate label), we have crowdfunding. At our level - a solid regional band with a nice but not giant following - crowdfunding works. I'm so grateful and I love the CD.

Image: Wood paneling with Whiskey glass.
Words: The Tooles - Stagger. Live at the Irish American Heritage Center

Our website has been re-designed. Check it out. Listen to clips from the band, and if you can afford it, please consider buying a copy of the CD.

Or, if you're in Chicagoland, come to our CD release tonight (or another show) and buy an autographed copy.

Thanks for all your support.

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