Sunday Roundup - TV Writing and Inclusion

This spring I unexpectedly became a TV writer for

I've am trained as a critic, but had been writing mostly about hard news for CNN and Al Jazeera, and higher ed for the Chronicle. Still, I did think and write a lot about medievalism in modern media (news and entertainment) as well as representations of disability in culture, which put me on the path.

Last fall, when Marco Polo was announced by Netflix, I sent out pitches as presumably the only person with significant journalistic experience and scholarly expertise in 13th-century Venice, resulting in my first piece for Vice. Then Game of Thrones came back, and I had things to say about its medievalism and Braavos as Venice, then disability in Daredevil, feminism in Mad Max (and gender/comics for Salon). What had been a minor component of my writing career - cultural criticism -  has taken up a lot of my time this spring and summer. I hope you've enjoyed the results.

I had two Game of Thrones pieces published in the last few days. I'll have another one on Monday morning.
I also had my first Washington Post article this week - On inclusion. It all started with a flyer sent home reading, "Come one! Come all." Except that Nico was going to "participate as an audience member. Honestly, I'm still furious - for his behalf, but also for all the other kids who learn that exclusion is ok.
More to come on inclusion next week too, along with something special for Father's Day, and perhaps the history of marriage. There are some potential big projects on the horizon, too.

Here are blog posts from the week:
Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow.

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