Live-Tweeting The White House Champions of Change - Disability Champions

I'm at the OEOB to live-tweet an event honoring a wonderfully diverse group of disability advocates. It's going to be a spectacular event and I'm honored to have been invited. Maria Town, the disability liaison in the Office of Public Engagement, believes that tweeting can function as a way to increase accessibility of events like this. I'll be joined by Emily Ladau, one of my favorite disability writers, and others, on the hashtag #WHChamps

Here's the press release (click through for the full thing).
WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, July 27 the White House will honor nine disability advocates across generations. The event will be held in conjunction with celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a landmark civil rights law that promises equal access and equal opportunity -- regardless of ability. The event will celebrate the success of the ADA and recognize both long-time disability advocates and young Americans with disabilities who are working to uphold and expand the spirit of the ADA. The program will feature remarks by Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett, Director of the Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Muñoz, former baseball player Jim Abbott, and American football fullback Derrick Coleman.

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